The meeting I mentioned in my last post--that was today. It was really cool, actually, because we were able to turn on our webcams and see other teachers from our cohort. The CEO of my recruiting company was speaking, along with several recruiters from Korvia. We drilled them with questions about where to exchange money, where to meet at the airport, blah blah. I had thought my bags were all set to go until he reminded us that bath towels in Korea are eeexxtra tiny, so we should bring several of our own. And that jeans can be expensive, so quite a few of those are advisable. Long story short: I repacked all of my luggage and re-spacebagged everything. So now my bags are at a comfy 47.3 and 48.3 pounds...still under the 50lb limit w/ room to spare!
I can't believe that I'll be in Korea this weekend! Tomorrow's goal is to find welcoming gifts for the people I'll work with at school. I wanna start out w/ a good impression! Also have to work on my strict teacher face because 선생님 위으리 씨 (Mr. Willie the teacher) is not to be toyed with! :-P