It's been a while since I last wrote, so I'll give a quick update -- EPIK orientation was awesome! It was pretty intense with classes from 9am-8:30pm every day, but full of good information. Two days ago, I left Jeonju University and came to Daegu, where I'm living now. I've been really blessed to be placed in a great school with a helpful staff, and to have an apartment in Suseong, which is considered the "Beverly Hills" of Daegu :-)
I just finished teaching my first class!! I had no idea how it would go, but overall, I'd say it was eventful. I teach mostly high school 1st grade (equivalent to 10th grade in the U.S.), but this was a class of 2nd graders (11th grade in the U.S.). I have 16 classes per week, but only two lesson plans between all of them, so that's sort of nice.
Everyone has been running around the school talking about the new "tall foreign teacher," so it was nice for some students to finally be able to actually talk to me. I did my introduction with Prezi -- and for any other NETs reading this blog, Korean students LOOOOOVE Prezi because of its visuals -- and they ate it up! Every time I clicked on something, all the girls went "Wooow teacher!"
Side note: My co-teacher (let's call him "Jerry") is so great! He took me to get my alien resident card, and to the store, and out to dinner...and well, let's just say he's my lifeline here in Korea. If you're thinking of teaching in Korea, make sure to stay on your co-teacher's good side :-)