Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lost in Translation...Part II!

So here's the second part of my Lost in Translation series, where I talk about funny and interesting mistranslations and misunderstandings between Korean and English. Here goes!

1. We have a room at my school dedicated to literature and it's called the Shakespeare Room. My language conversation partner came into my office the other day and hurriedly inquired of me and the other native teacher how to pronounce Shakespeare. But she says...
Her students were making fun of her pronunciation so we worked on the "sh" sound. There's still some work to be done, but I think she's doing better now.

2. We also have a Pythagoras room, which is (as you may have guessed) for math. However, Koreans usually say...
Which is just hilarious!

Now for some of my most recent photos :-)

Went to see the new Twilight movie and this is the ticket
machine. What in the world is 26:10 o'clock? #whatkindoffoolishness

Hurry and get your Honey Maximowiczia tea!
I saw this at the store and was confused by the long title, so I looked it up.
Apparently, Maximowiczia is the scientific name for the Chinese five-flavor
berry, which is so named because its berries are salty, sweet, sour, spicy and bitter -- all at once.
You never know what you'll learn when grocery shopping! 

Get your hangover soup! Not sure if it induces or relives them, but at any rate, here it is! 
Not only is this called the Bagel Cushion, but it also makes your hips...well, it makes hips!