Hey all!
Last month, I went on a scavenger hunt hosted at Traveler's Bar (aka Waygook Central Station). I wasn't really sure what to expect, but for the $9 that I paid (which went to charity), my team and I had an awesome and hilarious day, the memories of which won't soon be forgotten. The hunt was sponsored by Love 146, an organization dedicated to stopping child sex trafficking. You can read more about their mission
There were about 30 teams of 4 people each, and each team had to go around the city taking pictures of themselves doing REALLLLLY random things. It can truly only be explained with pictures, so here we go! The subtitles tell what the item was on our scavenger list that we had to complete!
Arm wrestling like a boss...with a Korean police officer! NBD. |
Take a photo where your entire group is inside a phone booth! |
We all had to be holding a flower at the same time...why? Dunno. LOL |
We had to take a picture in front of a clock reading EXACTLY 3:48pm. Y'all don't know how hard this was. Haha |
This was by far the sketchiest thing we had to do--find a non-foreigner (aka Korean) baby and hold them. Long story short...it worked! I bent down and he literally ran right into my arms. And he was smiling right before we took the picture! #greatwithkids |
"Find a couple wearing matching outfits." This never takes more than about 2 minutes in downtown Daegu! |
I don't remember what this was but anyway the kebab guy was super cooperative! |
"Your entire group must be caught in a picture where all your feet are off the ground." Nuff said. |
We had to spell "Love 146" with our bodies. Love 146 is the child anti-trafficking organization that sponsored the scavenger hunt. |
Doing tai chi poses (sort of) in the park! |
We hooked up with another team so that all of us could get points for doing handstands! |
"Dance behind unsuspecting strangers without their noticing you." #hotmess! |
We had to find a clown...and Vincent did, right in the middle of the downtown shopping district! |
I was helping conduct traffic :-) |
Don't ask. LOL |
ALL of us had to fit inside this tiny elevator at once! |
Jase's crazy makeup was done courtesy of Yours Truly! |
Finally, we needed someone wearing a cast, so we assailed--I mean politely asked--this guy to help! |
This experience taught me that Daeguers (Daeguans??) are generally willing to help out with even the most random requests. We may have weirded out a few people with our requests, but I mean, if you can get a woman to let some random guy on the street hold her kid, that has to mean you're a good person! My Korean language skills, limited though they are, helped a ton on that crazy afternoon!
That's all for now, or at least until the next ridiculous adventure!