Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trick or Treat! Gimme Some Kimchi!

I'm back from Seoul, reporting on my Halloween cruise experience. Although Halloween is actually tonight and I'm not doing anything, it's OK because I celebrated it this past weekend.

There were about 600 people on the cruise, and all in all, it was pretty fun. Getting there, though, was a hot mess! The bus was supposed to take an hour, but we ended up traveling for 2.5 hours to get to the port. A late arrival was matched with two random stops and a crash on the bridge to the port -- all these things made us extra late for the cruise. Everyone was bitter! But then we arrived and they kicked it off with a cool fireworks show, complete with music and appropriate fanfare (it sounded like patriotic 4th of July music and not the Halloween type, but whatever). 

While on the cruise, I saw people dressed up as everything from Iron Man to Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games. I mention those two because they took the cake on the costumes, clearly having put tons of time into making those things. In case you're wondering, I was dressed as Aladdin. Visual walkthrough below!

En route to the cruise!
Party ship!
What would Aladdin be without Jasmine?

One of my friends with someone who TOTALLY pulled off
Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games. #impressed