Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Only Internet Explorer...For Real, Korea?

This may well be my biggest pet peeve about Korea. I am a Mac guy, and I usually browse with Google Chrome. This never poses problems in the U.S. (or in any other country I've ever visited), but in Korea...it's an issue. Actually, using any of the following is problematic:

  • A Mac
  • Firefox/Google Chrome/Opera/whatever floats your boat
  • iPads/iAnything
  • Android 
Why? Because the Korean government decided back in the 90s to standardize all e-commerce here on the outdated, ridiculous and practically dead piece of software that even technophobes ignore after they can get their hands on a better browser. That's right--Internet Explorer.

At first, I thought that web pages would just look distorted in other browsers and that I could keep using other browsers on my Mac to do things.

As a computer technician, I understand the technical reasons (a la ActiveX controls) why the sites only work in IE. What I don't understand is how Korea -- in all its BigOlPhone and Wireless Everythingness -- would still require everyone to use this outdated and frankly RAGGEDY browser.  Here's when it got really annoying:

It was snowing outside last week, and there was ice everywhere. There aren't many restaurants right near my apartment, and I don't yet have shoes that do well in snow (thanks to the fact that my feet are a humongous Korean-size 285, and no one sells that in Daegu). I was also dead tired and didn't feel like cooking. So, I decided I'd order in. For whatever reason, my call wouldn't go through to several places I rang up, and another one said they didn't deliver (but they had left a delivery card in my bag the last time I went there--LIARS!!). My only resort was to order online. That didn't leave many options, but I knew I could order Domino's. I go onto the site, put it my address (another struggle entirely because NO web site recognizes my address as a real place), click through everything I want, and visualize my pizza arriving.
Then I go to the payment page and...yep, the page stops. Then it closes itself.
I try again.
Stops loading again.
Hmm...I wonder. "Oh yha...even Domino's is bound by this tomfoolery! Aargh!"
*drags self to kitchen...cooks pasta...falls asleep*

I also like to shop on gMarket, which is like Korean eBay. It's great, except that I can only do it at work because it doesn't work at home.

Le sigh...
Perhaps the next Korean president will change this absurdity, because it's actually really stifling Korea's viability in the e-commerce sphere, and it's not viable anymore. And it's honestly just kind of ridiculous