Monday, May 20, 2013


For many years, I've said that my favorite season is winter because air allergens go away and because annoying things that buzz in the night die. Well, I rather loathed winter in Korea, making summer (because there is no spring in Daegu) a welcome friend.
The only problem is that now the annoying things that go buzz in the night are flying in, sucking up all my blood.

Before I proceed, I need to throw in a disclaimer. I'm not one of these metropolitan-born, never-seen-a-bug-before types with an aversion to all things natural. Being a kid in Oklahoma made me quite accustomed to all manner of foolish flying things, as well as scorpions lurking around the house (OK, that was only once at my grandmother's house, but you get the picture). That said, Korean mosquitoes are different. They are smaller, craftier, and more nefarious than any kind I've ever experienced in the States. Actually, they're much worse even than the mosquitoes in Argentina, which people feared because of the outbreak of dengue fever conveniently happening while I was living there. I once had a showdown in the bathroom with one of the stripe-backed dengue-carrying beasts. Result? Willie: 1. Beast: 0.
It's 5:19 am, and I've been fighting mosquitoes for at least the past hour because their buzz is so loud that it often wakes me up. It's time to get even! 

Today's shopping list: 
   Weird mosquito coil thing. Not sure how they work or if they work, but I'll give them a try.

Electric mosquito zapper. I see ajummas with these things, and ajummas lived here when mosquitoes were literally one of the country's largest public health issues. So these things must work, right?

Since I can't get back to sleep, I'll use this time to read a book and get a head start on breakfast. It's strawberry pancake time!